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Training Magazine 2017 – The Waves of Change are Here: Are You Ready?
Digitization, demographic shifts, and globalization will continue to intensify as the world gets smaller and faster. So how do you make sense out of this vast tsunami of change? You need to transform yourself and your workplace through six factors. Click here to read...
CEO Magazine 2017 – How to Future-Proof Your Company
Emma Wheaton interviewed Dr. Sharkey regarding future-proofing your company. You can read or download the article here.
These Are The Job Skills Of The Future That Robots Can’t Master
By Stephanie Vozza, Fast Company - 07/17/2017 We may live in a digital world, but soft skills like communication, problem solving, collaboration, and empathy are becoming more valued than technology, says Paul Roehrig, chief strategy officer for Cognizant Digital...
This One Element Actually Is A Business Imperative
By Jeff Boss, Contributor, Forbes - 07/13/2017 Consider this hypothetical scenario. We are part of a small team — let’s just say five people — to rescue a hostage. I know, not exactly realistic but just hear me out. Each member on the team has a role and multiple...
To improve your productivity, paint your office this color (it’s scientifically proven)
By Kari Paul, Reporter, Market Watch - 05/23/2017 Offices are increasingly being designed with collaboration in mind, as the lines between corporate meetings, private work sessions, and coffee dates with clients blur. While furniture and layout are often discussed,...
Former HP Talent Chief: ‘The Culture of HP Was Not an Inclusive Culture’
By Don Tennant, From Under the Rug, IT Business Edge - 05/08/2017 For all I know, HP Inc. and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, the two companies that comprise the former Hewlett-Packard, are bastions of diversity and inclusion. But if they are, they would have to have...
Changing Minds, Not Numbers, Lies at Heart of Achieving Diversity, Expert Says
By Don Tennant, From Under the Rug, IT Business Edge - 04/20/2017 Diversity and inclusion efforts in corporate America will go nowhere until companies stop addressing the issue as a numbers game, and begin doing something about the unconscious bias that permeates...
Millennials In The Workplace: Why They’ll Never Retire
By Lydia O'Neal, International Business Times - 04/15/2017 The meaning of “work” is changing, and with life expectancies growing, the gig economy taking hold and artificial intelligence taking plenty of people’s jobs, millennials will have careers that are worlds away...
How to Prepare Your Company for the Future, Before it Hits You
By Martin Zwilling, Founder and CEO, Startup Professionals, Inc. - 04/04/2017 When you are growing a business, it's hard to find time to focus on anything but the crises of today. Yet if you don't spend some resources preparing for the changes in the marketplace we...
How to Avoid Being Replaced by a Robot
By Erik J. Martin, AARP - 2017 Hear that metallic clatter off in the distance? It's the sound of self-driving cars, package-delivering drones, voice-activated digital assistants, hospital robots and countless other machines waiting to take over your job. Yes, the bad...